Monday, May 3, 2010

It's a Marathon...Run Dammit!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Finished up my first 1/2 Marathon this weekend, 13.1 miles...GO ME!! During the race I kept telling myself to listen to my body and NOT my brain. Your brain will have you punk out...telling you that you are tired and how this sucks and what the hell were you thinking running 13.1 miles any damn way, and how the chick in front of you is walking so you can walk for a few minutes too. This is why I DON'T listen to my brain, but instead listen to my body. I know I have trained, I know I am strong, so keep it moving sista. None of that walking's a marathon, your butt is supposed to run!! The Greeks were not walking! Don't get me wrong there are real reasons when a runner may have to slow her pace or walk, but I did not and have never experienced any of them so I had to keep it moving, and that's just what I did. Check out my "Runner's BLING"

Time: 2:26:59
Pace: 11:18
Number of songs played on the Ipod:39
Success: Priceless


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