Saturday, April 24, 2010

Race Stats

Saturday, April 24, 2010 0

Race: Get in Gear 10K (6.2 miles)
Time: 1:04:59
Pace: 10:28

It rained like cats and dogs and can I say for the record that it SUCKED!!! New shoes soaked and muddy and I was chilled to the bone. Thank god my hair was in two-strand twist because if my Fro was out there would have been no way in hell I would have been able to fit that Nike hat on my head...LMAO That damn hat saved my was soaked...water was dripping off the brim during the race. But victory is mine...I did it...1 race down! I stayed on my grind and got through it. The picture above was posted on the Get in Gear site and it does not begin to illustrate the misery that was race It must have been taken during one of the few moments when the RAIN was reduced to a light drizzle.

Here's a pic of me in the sanctuary of my bathroom as I prepare to head out the door at 7am, the rest of the house is still fast asleep.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Friday, April 23, 2010 0

Tomorrow is race day...GAME ON!! I'll be running the Get In Get 10K, which is no big deal. 6.2 miles is a easy run considering I've been training for a 1/2 marathon, the first of which will take place next weekend. Running in a "real race" always make me a little nervous for some reason, so hopefully I will work out the jitters in this 10K before I set my sights on 13.1 miles next weekend.

Dig this...the weather has been lovely all week, but tonight it's supposed to start raining and carry right on through Saturday (race day). Y'all I do NOT run in the rain!! Now if I'm running and it starts to rain that's one thing but to lace-up and head out in the rain to run on purpose is NOT my idea of fun! Now I gonna run the race cuz I paid my money and I'm cheap like that, but dear baby Jesus could you please have a chit chat with mother nature and if y'all could work work a little something out between the hours of 9am and noon it would be greatly appreciated.

By the way, I bougth new running shoes yesterday. I would never recommend running a race in brand new shoes, but my last couple of runs left my feet felling poorly. Generally after running 10 plus miles your feet may feel some kinda way, but after taking a look at the inside of my shoes I knew exactly why my dogs were barking. The arch of the shoes was breaking down, or should we say they were broken. There were holes in the inner lining of the shoe where the fabric had worn away, exposing the plastic frame work. Mind you, I only use my running shoes for running...I don't wear them at any other time, so I have been putting some serous miles on those bad boys lately. Anyway, the 10K tomorrow will give me a chance to break them in. This morning I walked 2 miles at a 6% incline at 3.5mph and they felt fine. The 10K will be a nice run for me and the new shoes to become acquainted.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Naughty Monkey Come To Mama

Wednesday, April 21, 2010 0

Yes, I am sick...but I love getting packages at work. Today office mail dropped off a tres chic pair of ballet flats. Let me start by saying that I am not a big fan of the ballet flat...though cute, they provide no support and I have always been partial to a bit of a heel on a shoe. But in my quest for the perfect ballet flat I stumbled across these pretties which I will sport in all their uniqueness in the upcoming months. If I was going to buy a pair of flats I wanted something with a big of umph, yet nothing over the top and I think I have achieved that with this shoe from Naughty Monkey...FOR CUTE!

If y'all want to bite my style check out for this shoe. It comes in a variety of colors and is a steal at only $45.95 including free two day shipping. By the way, they run true to size..happy shoe shopping.